Featured Posts

CC Members Volunteer at their 1st (& Very Fun) Play Day in the Park!
Our members rocked it at the Play Day in the Park! We are so thankful to the Urbana Park District

CC Self-Advocates Fight for Change at Advocacy Day 2023!
Advocacy Day at the Capitol with Community Choices self-advocates! Community Choices self-advocates, Tiffany and Jasmine, along with CC staff traveled

Newsletter Feature – Cooking with Sarah!
Sarah began fine-tuning her cooking skills by showcasing them with our Inclusive Community Supports Specialist. Every session Sarah has gone

Newsletter Feature – Danielle excels at work!
Danielle has been an active member at Community Choices for several years. In June of last year, after having completed

Community Choices Blog
Community Choices partners with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in Champaign County. Together we pursue independence, opportunity, and choice through quality, self-directed supports.
Our primary service areas are customized employment, inclusive community living support, and social coaching for long-lasting connections.