
Choose dignity.

Choose inclusion.

Choose community.

Community Support

How does Community Support help you?

Community Support provides services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are:

  • on the PUNS list, or
  • receive Medicaid waiver services

We help people build sustainable lives in the community!

Community Support Services

Community Support

Support begins with a planning process designed to support you and your family. We make long and short term plans for living in the community!

Basic HBS/Self-Direction Assistance

We can help manage DHS bureaucracy with families. We also find and connect Personal Support Workers (PSWs) with folks using services.

A group of people pose at a bus stop

Life Skills Classes

We teach 8-week classes on various life skills. Some examples include: healthy relationships and sexuality, transportation, community and home safety, etc.

Community Support Areas

Here are some examples of ways we can support someone to live independently in the community! 


Possible Supports

1. Housing searches
2. Roommate Matching
3. Budget for housing
4. Running house meetings
5. Making it a "home"

Skill Building

Possible Supports

1. Learn to cook
2. Laundry & cleaning
3. Transportation options
4. Financial literacy
5. Safety at home

Community Connections

Possible Supports

1. People to connect with
2. Groups to connect with
3. Places to connect with

Resource Coordination

Possible Supports

1. ID and use resources
2. Support with the unexpected
3. Managing life transitions

Budget & Benefits

Possible Supports

1. Weekly budgeting
2. Saving plans
3. Bill paying
4. Medicaid & SNAP
5. SSA management (not rep payee)
6. HACC/SRN Network

Health & Safety

Possible Supports

1. Filling medications
2. Making and going to routine appointments
3. Connecting to mental health resources

Life Coordination

Possible Supports

1. Coordinating a weekly/daily routine
2. Grocery shopping
3. Tech support
4. Back-up/ after hours support

HBS Management

Possible Supports

1. PSW scheduling
2. PSW Training
3. PSW oversight and feedback
4. Timesheet management
5.Agency-based PSW coordination

Ready to get started?
Give us a call or complete our contact form!