Customized Employment
How can Customized Employment support you?
Our Customized Employment department supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find jobs in the community!
Customized Employment Process
Discovery helps us learn your strengths and interests through observation, conversation, and spending time with you to help you find a job that fits your goals. We interview family and friends to learn more about your likes, dislikes, and strengths.
We conduct two home visit and a community visit.
Job Development
Employment Specialists teach social and communication skills you need to be successful at work. They support with touring businesses, job shadowing, and finding a job match. We can help you create a resume that you give to potential employers.
We may start with volunteering so you can get experience and grow your skills.
Employment Support
When you are hired, we develop accommodations and supports for the job. We form a good relationship with your employer and support you to expand job roles.
We provide initial job coaching for 2-4 weeks.
Customized Employment featured on WCIA News!
Ways your business can get involved!
Workforce Empowerment Program
A 12-week classroom learning and intensive job-shadowing program. This class is designed for people without past employment experience. Or if you have been unsuccessful in your past jobs.
We support you to make informed choices about your work interests and goals.

Leaders in Employing All People
LEAP is a FREE one-hour training of practical, hands-on tips for employing people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
LEAP expands local employment opportunities for people with disabilities and advances the Employment First initiative.